How to Use My Salary

Wondered "How to Use My Salary?" to F.I.R.E? Wonder why there is little money left at the end of the month? Finding it hard to save every month? Wonder how to build an investment fund to get started in investing?

The key is in Money Management.

Watch this video as I explain this life-changing method - T Harv Eker's Money Jars System, author of Secrets of a Millionaire Mind.


55% of Income - Rent, Food, Electricity, Bills

Jar #2 - LTSS (Long Term Savings for Spending)

10% of Income - Big Purchases, Rainy Day Fund, Vacations

Jar #3 - FFA (Financial Freedom Account)

10% of Income - Investments


10% of Income - Coaching, Mentoring, Books, Courses

Jar #5 - GIVING

10% of Income - Charity, Donations

Jar #6 - PLAY

5% of Income - Spoiling yourself and your family, Leisurely expenses