The Law of Exponential Growth.

Interestingly, I never imagined sharing publicly about financial mastery or property investing as it was a private thing. I started Born Poor Die Rich in 2018 because two close friends made bad financial decisions. I found out Friend A was in $50k in credit card debt, Friend B had lost over $200k through bad property investments and I wished I had shared with them what I know.

I started a YouTube channel at the start of the year with the aim of educating others on Financial Mastery and Passive Income Through Property Investing. I wanted to add value and make quality content available to the masses for free.

It was not easy but after 15 videos, we had 87 subscribers on 13 May (after 5.5 months). Today, 1 month later, we have seen over 65% growth to 144 subscribers.

This law and principle applies to many things in life (think losing weight, working out, learning a new skill, starting a business). At the start, there is a lot of effort, nothing seems to be happening and it stays that way for a while, a long while.

<<Most people quit at this point because they don't see results>>.

This also weeds out those who are serious versus those who are interested.

Many people are interested in the idea of investing to create passive income for their loved ones, but it remains merely an interest.

Like the analogy of the duckweed in a pond which multiplies itself 100% daily, at the end of Day 28, we only see 1/4 of the pond full. So much effort over 28 days, so little results to show for.

<<The magic happens here>>

On Day 29, the 1/4 has grown to half the pond. Wow. Whut?

On Day 30, the whole pond is covered with Duckweed.

This is the law of exponential growth. Those who understand it, will persevere to reap its results. Those who don't will quit way before Day 27.

What areas in life do you see the law of exponential growth at play?
